Comparing the difficulty of the “new HSK test” with that of primary and junior high school Chinese in mainland China

In recent years, more and more foreigners have participated in the HSK exam. Many foreigners are curious about the difficulty of the HSK exam. Today, we solve the mystery for everyone by comparing the specific requirements of the “Chinese Level Standards for Chinese Education” and “Compulsory Education Chinese Curriculum Standards”.

gradelevelsyllableChinese charactervocabularygrammar
PrimaryFirst -level26930050048
Secondary level199/468300/600772/127281/129
Three -level140/608300/900973/224581/210
mediumFour -level116/724300/12001000/324576/286
Five -level98/822300/15001071/431671/357
Level six86/908300/18001140/545667/424
higherSeven or eight or nine202/11101200/30005636/11092148/572
Note: A/B, the previous number represents the number of new language elements in this level, and the subsequent number represents the number of language elements accumulated as of the level.
“International Chinese Education Chinese Level Standard” language quantification indicators

stage“Compulsory Education Chinese Curriculum Standard (2022 Edition)” for primary school students and junior high school students in mainland China
The first section (grade 1 ~ 2)1.认识常用汉字1600个左右,其中800个左右会写。
The second section (grade 3 ~ 4)Have a strong interest in learning Chinese characters and develop the habit of active literacy. A total of about 2,500 Chinese characters have been recognized, and about 1,600 are written. Have preliminary independent literacy. Can check the words and dictionaries and dictionaries of the first test method and the first inspection method.
The third section (grade 5 ~ 6)Have strong independent literacy. A total of about 3,000 Chinese characters have been recognized, and about 2,500 will be written. Feel the characteristics of Chinese characters, and experience the wisdom contained in Chinese characters.
Fourth Study (Grade 7 ~ 9)1. 能熟练地使用字典、词典独立识字,会用多种检字方法。累计认识常用汉字3500个左右。
2. 写字姿势正确,保持良好的书写习惯。在使用硬笔熟练地书写正楷字的基础上,学写规范、通行的行楷字,提高书写的速度。临摹、欣赏名家书法,体会书法的审美价值。
“Compulsory Education Chinese Curriculum Standards” 2022

Through comparison, we can find that the HSK6 level is about the level of about the third grade of primary schools in mainland China. However, for foreign Chinese learners, HSK 6 and the latest 789 levels are very difficult. I hope that everyone will be fully prepared in accordance with the test requirements.

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