New HSK exam 7 language ability requirements (hearing, spoken language, reading, writing, translation)

Speech communication ability: have good ability to listen, speak, read, write, and preliminary professional translation ability. Can communicate correctly, fluent, and decent on extensive and high -level topics.

Topic task content: topic involves social etiquette, science and technology, literature and art, sports, psychological emotions, professional courses, etc. Can complete the dialogue of some scenarios, for example, to communicate with the participants at a relatively formal meeting; you can basicly read the learning materials of professional courses and complete the curriculum assignment.

1.1 Listening

Can understand lectures and social news (about 800 words) that involve level seven listening dialogues, normal or faster speech. It can basically grasp the main facts and views more accurately without being disturbed by the environment and other factors, and understand the logical structure. Can basically understand the social and cultural connotation involved.

1.2 speaking

The syllables, vocabulary, and grammar that can be used to quantitatively quantify the indicators of high language can be used to complete the expression and communication tasks involved in this level. With the preliminary overall expression ability, it can flexibly use complex sentence patterns to express personal insights, discuss or debate, accurate pronunciation, natural tone, full content, smooth expression, and strong logic.

1.3 Reading

Can accurately read the syllables, Chinese characters and vocabulary stipulated in this level. It can read articles that can understand all kinds of genres within this level, and the reading speed is not less than 200 words/minute. There is a certain understanding and grasp of Chinese thinking and expression, analyzing and judging and logical reasoning of the content of the text, can understand the cultural content involved, master various reading skills, and basically retrieve the required information independently.

1.4 writing

Being able to write the Chinese characters stipulated in this level can write a certain length of application text, explanation, argumentation, and professional papers, and can correctly use multiple rhetoric methods.

1.5 translation: written translation and oral translation

With preliminary professional translation capabilities, it can complete the alternating interpretation and accompanying interpretation tasks of formal occasions, express smooth expression, can translate a certain length of application text, explain text and discussion text.